The next distribution date is: Thursday, December 19 starting at 12:30 PM
For the months of November and December, food distributions will be on the Thursday before their perspective Holidays.
If you have not received food from our ministry before, or it has been over a year since you have visited our pantry, Please bring ANY valid OKLAHOMA state issued ID card
Any changes to this ministry will be posted here on our website, and on our Facebook page. If you would like to donate to our community food pantry you can give online by clicking the button below or mailing your check or money order to Gore UMC PO Box 273 Gore, Ok 74435 and put “Food Pantry” in the memo section. Alternatively, you can donate using our online donation link below. Thank you for helping us help our community.

Community Sponsors:
Soda Steve’s – Harps Foods – Cookson Hills – Cherokee Nation